About Us

Mr. Khang – The Owner Tour company 

Mr Khang was born in Ha Giang from a small village, located at the Valley of the rock lime stone mountain, I'm am a ethnic minority in Ha Giang, my minority name is TAY the live in my village very poor, I want to escape of the poor live, I'm have  hard study with my dream bring good money to help my family and could do something for my village, I saw tourism is the best way for me to change my life, Khang love tourism then Khang decided study tourism be come a tour guide - so am I graduated tourism in University in 2008 and had over 10 years work as a tour guide in all over Vietnam and also being motorcycle tour guide and tour operator. Now I see my countryside in Ha Giang Loop with beautiful landscapes, Motorbike must be the best way to see landscapes, and Motorbike can ride through some roads as car can not come though, and Khang also want to bring good Job for local people and handle for a lot of poor people from my village and Khang see 3 days is the perfect time for you to see Ha Giang Loop so that why Ha Giang Loop 3 Days was born today, Ha Giang Loop 3 Day Tours. I hope my story will come to you and you will come with my tours, I'm write in English not so well but I can speak maybe better, i hope that you could understand all of my English.  


Mr Khang - Ceo - Fouder 


Ms Van Manager of sale marketing 

 Thuy Sale Executive , thuy Graduate from tourisum unuversity and been working long time at toursm and she understand all thing about Ha Giang tour, Thuy she will have best suggestion for you if you have and request 


Ms Vi is Customer care and help you any information if you have any request for anothet tour good english speaking 


Mr Thai Tour operator suport tour guide and driver and book hotel and all service 

This Oanh our Sale Executive Oanh graduate at tourism university and be tour guide for 3 years and get a lot of experience and Oanh also looking for authentic travel experience and Oanh decited come to work fo us asle Sale Executive and product, we have the same thought that why Oanh come to work with us 

Ms Quynh Operation 

Ms Phuong is Marketing online 

Mr Khuyen Our product manager 

 Mr PHONG sale marketing offline 

Mr Tien is Admin website and marketing online 

Our team easy riders and tour guide 


Tour guide and riders 


Team Ha Giang Motorcycle Tour 


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